How to Brew Coffee Using a French Press

Why choose a french press?
The french press gives you bold, rich, and strong flavor with the freedom to brew your coffee to your specific tastes.
Weigh out and grind the coffee using a medium grind setting.
Add the coffee to the French Press. Pour the hot water over the coffee.
Let the coffee bloom for 45 seconds. Break the crust that has formed on top with a spoon, then vigorously stir the slurry.
Place the plunger on top of the press and let it sit for 4 minutes.
Slowly press the plunger downward. The entire plunge should take 30 seconds.
Let it sit another 30 seconds to let any fines sink to the bottom.
Serve and enjoy!
What You Need
Ground Coffee - Medium Grind
French Press
Hot water (around 205°F)
Recommended Ratio
We recommend a 1:16 coffee to water ratio. For a 3 cup french press, use:
19g of coffee
300g of water
Brew Time
5 minutes